Instructions for Connecting with WHMCS

Download Plugin
1. Download the WHMCS plugin using the button above. Extract the files on your computer. Log in to your server via FTP/SFTP.
2. In the WHMCS installation files, navigate to the main folder. Upload the plugin files to the server (into the main directory).
3. Go to the WHMCS admin panel.

Click the settings icon, then click "Apps & Integrations".

Krok 3
4. In the search field, enter "simpay".

Click on the " Transfers and BLIK" tile.

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5. Click the "Activate" button.
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6. Enter the details from the SimPay Panel and set the IPN URL address.

Also, set the "Convert To For Processing" field to "PLN". You can also enable IP address checking in IPN as an additional security measure when receiving payment information from SimPay. If you are using a proxy (e.g., CloudFlare), we recommend disabling this option.

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The plugin also provides Module Logs; in case of errors, you can see what went wrong. Remember that you need to enable module log recording. payments in WHMCS are ready to use. Remember to disable test mode in the service settings in the SimPay Panel. Also, make sure to set the price for SimPay Online Transfers and BLIK for individual products.