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Bank Transfer Payments

More Information

Fast transfers ensure that you guarantee your customers instant payment processing while maintaining the highest security standards. You can start fulfilling the order immediately after it is placed.

SimPay allows for instant payment transfers to the seller. No waiting. No delays. Quick, convenient, and fully secure. No wonder customers eagerly use these solutions.

Payment handling in your store has never been so easy. Modern solutions, easy integration, and simple operation – all this you gain by choosing the bank transfer payment method.



SimPay is your business partner. With our solutions, you will gain the ability to conveniently and securely handle payments, which will be appreciated by your customers. We continually create solutions that allow your business to grow.

The payment market is constantly changing, and customers eagerly test new solutions that provide them with even greater comfort. Meet the expectations of your current and future customers – offer them access to solutions that will make you stand out from the competition. As SimPay, we offer professional support and access to solutions that will be tailored to your business.


What We Value


It is the absolute foundation for all kinds of payments. All connections to our servers are encrypted with a 256-bit key.


We continuously develop and improve our solutions. This ensures they meet user expectations.

Local Character

We are a Polish company, bringing together the best specialists in the industry. We understand the needs of the Polish market and address them.

Client Panel

SimPay offers a convenient Client Panel, ensuring intuitive and quick service. You will also gain access to a comprehensive transaction history panel.

Join Us

How to Start a Partnership?


Register quickly in our system by clicking here ,
With the return activation fee of 1 PLN, you will gain full access to your account.

Service Activation

Add your store to the system and start integration.
Use payments based on the technical documentation.

Check Our Integrations
Launch Simpay Services in Your Store

It’s really simple. In no time, you will start receiving funds from sales directly to your bank account. And you’ll save a lot of time in the process!

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Panel klienta

Partner Panel

We strive to make our partner panel tailored to the needs of our customers. We stay in touch with everyone and continuously analyze all suggestions.

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Integration with Your

After creating an account, you will gain access to a simple and intuitive system for instant online payments.

Support for the largest e-commerce platforms allows integration with most online stores. You can find all the integration details and documentation here.